Passionate about data and artificial intelligence, Ania began her career at Dassault Systèmes as a data analyst and data engineer, then became a project manager on the same team.
She currently works in the NETVIBES Center of Excellence where she's in charge of sharing the vision of the brand portfolio.
After graduating as a computational linguist (Automatic Language Processing), Roald started his career as an E-reputation and web monitoring technology consultant for the account of a world-leading advertising company. Roald joined Dassault Systèmes in 2014 as client success manager for NETVIBES, a central position to support and coordinate Sales and R&D in order to deliver best-in-class solutions to our clients. He subsequently joined the NETVIBES Center of Excellence, where he is in charge of promoting NETVIBES Cloud offers and supporting industry strategies in relation with NETVIBES core business, Data Science Experiences.