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Visit our booth, located Hall 5, Booth 5I80, to discover our solutions.
Synchronize your value chain from planning to monetization
Discover how to leverage latest technology for accelerating the creation and transformation industrial sites (manufacturing and plants) for maximum agility and productivity. See how IT and OT managers and their teams can leverage Virtual Twin Experiences to synchronize their workstreams to improve common KPIs when building flexible, secure and high performance digital infrastructures.
Leverage Virtual Twin Experiences to accelerate your Industry 4.0 strategy
Discover how to maximize the potential of manufacturing digitization, integrating planning and operations through virtual twin technology. See how what-if-scenarios and innovative, complex use cases can be simulated in the virtual world to improve real world performance while securing production uptime and worker safety.
Leverage model based system engineering with simulation to accelerate smart device innovation
Discover how model based systems engineering revolutionizes the collaboration between IOT device manufacturers and their customers building smart factories and facilities leveraging cutting edge devices and wireless technologies. See how virtual twin technology facilitates simulating the behavior of systems across all system levels, dramatically reducing the validation of innovative Industry 4.0 use cases.
Virtual twin experiences from More-Than-Moore to Mass-Mobility
Discover how semiconductor innovators (IDMs, Fabless, Fablite) can leverage an integrated and secure platform to revolutionize the way they collaborate with their customers. See how 3DEXPERIENCE facilitates a data-driven, model based approach around shared requirements and KPIs, all while protecting critical IP and privacy.
Virtual twins for performance and compliance in smart devices and infrastructure
This pod will showcase the virtual twin approach for the 5G/6G design and optimization of consumer smartphone and IoT devices as well as commercial infrastructure such as tower installations or private networks. We will demonstrate how performance and compliance KPIs can be realized through physics-based simulation software to ensure that complex hardware can be successfully brought to market in the short product cycles required.