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Register today for SATELLITE 2022. Receive a Free Exhibit Hall Pass or save $350 off your conference pass with our VIP code.
In the race to successfully launch satellites into orbit, New Space companies must speed up innovation in satellite technology. It’s possible with a business platform that enables you to accelerate design and manufacturing through first-time-right outcomes.
How exactly can New Space companies begin to drive the new frontier of satellite technology? The answer lies in the right business platform that helps shorten rocketry and satellite development time to achieve first-time-right quality for successful launches.
Join us at SATELLITE 2022 to learn first-hand how the right business platform enables all of this by integrating different departments and information while providing digital capabilities to accelerate design and manufacturing.
Attend SATELLITE 2022 as our guest. Receive a Free Exhibit Hall Pass or $350 off Conference Passes with VIP code: das544.