A Better Way to Sync MBOMS with EBOMs.
How do successful manufacturers maintain agility while rapidly responding to the changing market and customer demands?
Making things in a changing marketplace is forcing manufacturers to rethink how they innovate. Increasing product complexity and the need for multi-discipline engineering is putting strain on organizations ability to deliver quality products on time.
Companies want to find a solution to unify engineering and manufacturing processes while ensuring the synchronization of its production operations. They need an integrated approach to defining and iterating on a product's engineering definition.
The 3DEXPERIENCE platform allows every stakeholder to collaborate on a single, common, virtual product definition that is always up-to-date thereby driving innovation, reducing design errors and development time
So, are your products engineered to manufacture? Or do your engineering and manufacturing teams work in siloes, inhibiting collaboration, reducing productivity and slowing time to market?
This webinar will discuss how you could remove the digital gap between design, engineering and manufacturing teams to: